Welcome to My Page

Hey there!

Welcome to my CUNY Commons Site on Universal Healthcare for all. My name is Sela Schneidinger and I’m a soon to be Sophomore in college. I am an aspiring Biomedical Engineer and also on the soccer and track team at our school (Go Beavers!!!).

I am originally from Zuerich, Switzerland and recently moved back to the States since I was born here. The fact that I didn’t grow up here but in Switzerland is one of the reasons I wrote about this theme, the other is a discussion in class. I have always grown up with Healthcare. To me, it was an automatic thing that I never had to worry about, however, when I moved to America that changed. Healthcare was not a necessity as it was for me back home and many people in America did not have it. I believe that is a nation is truly prevailing and as great as they want to claim, they should have good healthcare for all their citizens to keep their nation healthy. America does not have that and I believe that should change.

My page consists of 5 parts, other than this page.

  • The Theory of Writing to me
  • Rhetorical Analysis
  • Source-Based Essay
  • Inquiry-Based Essay
  • Composition in Two Genres

While the Inquiry-Based Essay and the Composition in Two Genres are about the same theme (Healthcare), the Source-Based Essay and the Rhetorical Analysis aren’t. The reason for this is that I changed my mind about my theme in the middle of the semester. Instead of writing about Veterans, I wrote about Universal Healthcare because I was more passionate about it. Therefore, the Source-Based Essay is about Veterans. The Rhetorical Analysis, on the other hand, was an introduction to this class and served as a step towards all the other essays. The Rhetorical Analysis helped us discover more about our sources and how to use them if we needed to. The Theory of Writing is about how I perceive writing and how I go-ahead to plan and write my essays so it is more personal than academic.

I hope you enjoy my page and do not hesitate to write any comments if you have any questions. Thank you for your time 🙂

A picture of me in Biology Lab
The girl’s soccer team